The sworn translation of an original text is a public act for which the translator swears an oath in relation to the translation in court or at notary’s office. The correspondence and fidelity of the translation to the original document is certified by the translator with the signing of a specific statement to such effect. The legalisation of a translation is the process by which the signature on the sworn translation is authenticated.
The responsibility for a translation takes on primary importance in legal or judicial spheres. In these cases, certain additional steps are implicit: to have legal value, the translation must be confirmed and “sworn” by the translator. More specifically, there are different ways of swearing a document, from ordinary asseveration to legalisation with an Apostille, a stamp reserved for public acts addressed to all countries that have ratified the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961, through to consular legalisation, which is necessary for countries that are not listed as signatories to the convention. When a translator decides to swear a document, they accept the legal consequences that can ensue from errors in transposition and interpretation. We will therefore have a sworn translation, consisting of the signing and stamping of the relative certification statement in the presence of a Court Registrar, the Office of the Justice of the Peace or a Notary Public, as well as Apostille and legalisation, additional operations aimed at complying with international translation agreements. Ask our experts for more information on this service.
The time required to deliver a sworn translation is not always short, especially when dealing with larger and busier courts. To avoid difficulties in this sense, our staff has established close and consolidated working relationships with highly reliable partners, including Notaries who are able to complete sworn translations within a few hours of receiving the documents. We always advise you to check beforehand, with the pertinent authorities in the country of destination, or with your legal department or lawyers, whether the document must be sworn or whether it also requires legalisation. Thanks to over thirty years’ experience in the sector , we at Translation Agency are available to offer our clients specifically tailored advice. With a simple email we can answer all your questions and help you decide the best approach to the sworn translation of private, commercial or corporate documents, with or without an Apostille.WE RECOMMEND OUR SWORN TRANSLATION SERVICES:
- for the translation of documents that require official certification
- to convey legal value to the document translated
- to grant legal validity to the translated documents in specific countries
- to meet the legal requirements of agencies and authorities
- to send documents to foreign consulates and embassies