localizzazione dei siti

Website localisation: what is it and what is it for?

Localisation means linguistically and culturally adapting a product or service for a geographical area, in order to make the content usable by people/companies in that specific region and maximise results. The term is mainly used in the context of website and software translation, but many things can be localised, including applications, user manuals, medical and…

Audiovisual translation: how subtitling works

We are growing more and more accustomed to using a huge amount of multimedia products, some of which are made in a country that speaks a different language. Series on TV and in streaming, international sports programmes, documentaries made by foreign broadcasters: all these programmes are made accessible thanks to the precious work of an…

Interpretariato online

Online interpreting: our remote service

Online interpreting services have grown within the field of linguistic mediation in recent years thanks to incredible technological advances and the current inability to physically participate in events caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. Online interpreting is a practical and effective remote solution for overcoming the linguistic and logistic boundaries of communication. In this article we’ll…